Linda Hicks Angelo
Judy Barkes
Fred Bergeron
Laura Besserman
Terry Bowyer
Fran Boyle
Wendy Bradbury
Terri Memovich Bull
Duane Burckhard
Gary Crane
Roscoe Divine
Mary Dougherty
George Eaton
Ken & Kathy English
Kent & Beverly Farmer
Deberah Fox
Carol Million Frary
Sheryl Funkhouser
Allison Garr
Patricia Gaul
Bonnie Gile
Sharon Gordon
Michael Hale
Kristen Hammond
Marvin Haskell
Sandy Wesolowski Hayslip
Toni Gooch Henderson
Gertrude Hendrickson
Honert Herber
Sherry Huffman
Penny Juve
Terry King
Christopher Klein
Janet Klein
Sharon Klineline-Wilde
John Knechtges
Patricia Knipper
Judith Langlois
SanDee Hume LaVail
Karen Leffel
L. Greg Luehrs
Emily Mallory
David Meyer
Judy Sutton Morrison
Rita Nellis
Bob Nicholson
Christine Nielsen
Terry Ogle
Barbara Olsen
Mike & Gloria Olin
Susan Paulson
Beverly Simmons Poe
Julie Patterson Powers
Dick Pratt
James Putnam
Steve Randall
Barbara Ramsey
Beverly & William Reidler
Debbie Robb
Beverly Roe
Steve Shotwell
John S. Smith
Kenneth Smith
Peggy Snyder
Larry Spielman
Lance Thiede
Kathleen Thorpe
Bob Tropfenbaum
Jim Waters
Anita Hebert Watson
Bonnie Robeck Weaver
Thomas Wilder
Russell Williams
Byron Woodworth
’64 Reunion Committee
Total Raised by the Class of 1964 = $13,867.00