The Hudson's Bay Foundation (HBF) is a non-profit 501C3 booster club established in 2010, to support student needs at Hudson's Bay. HBF's mission is to benefit the students of Hudson's Bay High School (HBHS) through various fundraising efforts and issue the funds back to the school through our grant request process. Governing documents are available upon request.

HBF has had donations from businesses, staff, parents and alumni. The majority of our fund raising success has come from our annual Golf Tournament, Bingo party and the Alumni Class Challenge. HBF has given out over $100,000.00 dollars in grant funds since 2010 to many worthy causes. Check out our "Grants" page to see the grants that have been awarded to date. You can also view upcoming events and how you can get involved with helping students at Bay through our Foundation.

New Committees are welcome to petition the HBF for recognition at any time by submitting a proposal to the HBF detailing the activity supported that is consistent with the purposes of the HBF. Recognized Committees shall include a Committee Chairperson and an official designated alternate that shall attend the monthly meetings of the HBF

Board Info

HBF's board is composed of current and past students, parents, past administrators, teachers and alumni. The HBF consists of a Board of Directors (BOD) which is established and authorized by an annual election of the members of the Board. The Board presides over a minimum of four quarterly meetings. Chairpersons of recognized Committees attend and provide requests, recommendations, and supporting documentation to the Board.

Internship Program: HBF is always looking for student interns to help support our cause. HBF feels strongly that students need to be involved with our Foundation. Those that have a real understanding of how a non-profit organization works, we welcome all that you can offer. Working with the Foundation, an intern can gain essential tools for future employment, such as sales, marketing, fundraising, web site management and team building.

Hudson's Bay Foundation includes the school administration as an advisory committee to review and consider Grant Requests and 'endorse' or 'not endorse' the Request.

Board of Directors

Shore Beckel, President
Scott Horenstein, Vice President
Jeanne Shults, Treasurer
Janet Elliott, Secretary

Board Members

Jerry Boileau
Jarrett LeClaire
Phoebe Miletich
Susan Maxwell/Jim Maxwell (1 vote)
Matt Pellico
Kathy Evans
Kay Stredwick